Friday, December 29, 2023

New Year's Resolutions rebranded into Adventures

 Happy New Year 2024!

I hope you are looking forward to a fun and interesting year, Dear Friends! 

Reading an email I received recently from Sixty and Me (see sidebar for link to the site), I got a great idea for rebranding New Year's Resolutions. You know those things that we all promise ourselves that we're going to do but then don't, like lose weight, eat more healthy, exercise daily, et cetera, et cetera. 

Well, how about instead of finding all our faults - notice how often they're about healthy and body image - and trying to fix them, we plan to go on fun and interesting adventures every month!

Here is where the email comes in: the suggestion is to make a list of places to visit and things to do right in your city or town. Pretend you're a tourist, what suggestions would you give to someone visiting for the first time? What are some of the unique sights and locations in your city? Are there historic buildings or locations, museums, a zoo, nature centers, botanical gardens, wilderness areas, national or state parks close enough for a day trip? Is there a holiday parade planned? 

How about visiting a new coffee shop where they roast their own coffee beans? Maybe a local bakery you've always wanted to try but haven't got there yet? 

(Yes, my list is made up of things right here in and around Boise!) 

Of course, you can choose to go out-of-town if that's the adventure  that calls to you, but sometimes it's easier to stay local, and it helps local businesses, too.

Once you've made a list of all the neat places to go or wonderful things to do, choose the twelve that interest you the most. Keep the whole list, and if you feel like swapping out one activity for another, that's fine, too. This is supposed to be inspirational and fun, don't feel you have to lock yourself into something on the schedule if a better offer comes along; be flexible.

Next, get out your calendar or planner and choose one day a month to go out and enjoy one of the adventures on your list. Maybe the first or second day of the month would be good (get your fun in early!), or the second Saturday, or the fourth Sunday. I doesn't matter which you choose, but when you choose just one and plan your outing for the same day/date each month, it generates consistency and actually creates a good habit, one that you can carry over into 2025. 

Of course, you can have more than one adventure in a month, but please do schedule at least one every month so those dreadful 'resolutions' can be put to rest and rebranded into fun adventures! 

The best part is, having all that fun will beneficially enhance your health and body image, too!  

Friday, December 15, 2023


I have had a library card since I was eight years old. Maybe earlier, but I don't remember that. I do remember walking to our local public library when I was eight, along with my younger brother and two cousins. 

I remember wanting to read Laura Ingalls Wilder series of books that started with Little House on the Prairie but never managing to find them available in order! Today, some sixty-plus years later, I still have a library card. I've had one everywhere I've ever lived. I never did  complete the Wilder series, I suppose it's not too late!

The nature of libraries has changed quite a lot over those decades. Today, they are vibrant community centers with many roles: book lender, video lender, computer cafe, hosts for activities for young people from toddlers through teens, and beyond. Every Friday for four years, I took my grandson to the library to hang out and do activities with other elementary-school-age boys and girls. Sometimes they had special activities like Science Day. 

This is just one of the activities my local library branch hosts. 

Every Tuesday, I and about a dozen other ladies, gather to work on our projects; knitting, crochet, tatting, quilting, and whatever else is 'in progress' whether it's yarn or not! We're an equal-opportunity craft group! 

We've also had sewing night, the library has a few machines they set up. You can bring your own project, or make the small one they schedule with the provided fabrics and notions. 

If you haven't visited your library for a while, I encourage you to check them out! 

In case you're wondering, the Boise Public Library system does officially go by 'Library!' In the 1990s, a fellow here in Boise proposed adding the exclamation point to the name. It wasn't wildly popular with some people, but they came around. I loved it the first time I saw it, it made me feel the libraries were excited and exciting places to visit! 

Visit your Library! today! 

Friday, December 1, 2023

Driving Historic US Route 20 in the planning

 Have you ever been on a long road trip? 

Across the country?

I have not though I'm planning one for June of 2024, driving from Boise, Idaho to Tully, New York (and back) on Historic US Route 20. 

Most people, when thinking of a cross-country route in the US, think of the famous Route 66. As kids, my brother and I even watched the "Route 66" television show that ran from 1960 to 1964 and starred Martin Milner and George Maharis. 

Route 20 never had it's own television show, but found fame in its own right. It's the longest highway in America coast-to-coast, starting in the Pacific costal town of Newport, Oregon and ending in Boston, Massachusetts, on the Atlantic coast, a trek of 3,365 miles. 

It even has a website: Historic US 20 . com Part of the mission is to raise awareness of grassroots America, highlight the small towns and historic sites along the route. That is the part I love best and am looking forward to; as a photographer, I can't wait to visit these charming places, meet the interesting people and hear their stories, and do my best to capture the essence in my photos. 

Here's a map of the route. We get to drive through Yellowstone National Park since the route goes right through there, too! 


My trip will be a little shorter, a bit over 2,000 miles since I'm starting in Boise and ending in central New York. However, I do intend to jog slightly northwards, going up into South Dakota to visit Mount Rushmore and The Badlands National parks since they're about an hour north of Route 20 as it crosses Nebraska. 

This is the Vision Board I created for the trip. I like Vision Boards, they help me 'keep my eyes on the prize.' This includes some of my intentions for the trip: "safe, secure, supported," "FUN," "EASY," and a mock-up of The Senior Way book I intend to publish about the adventure! You can see Spring Lilly there in the middle, my trusty Jeep. The lady there is me, a few years ago, and I have no idea who the man in the silhouette is but he looks like a fun travel companion - he has a camera! 

I'll be driving in or through eight states: Idaho, a little corner of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, a corner of Pennsylvania, and New York. There, and back again.

One of my cousins has signed on as a travel companion. She lives in NY so will fly to Idaho, and ride with me back to central New York. The plan is to start out on June 1, 2024. We figure it will take a little less than three weeks taking our time and sightseeing to drive to NY. I'll visit some other family and friends while there, then head back to Idaho. I am hoping to find a companion for the return trip - maybe the silhouette man with the camera! - but I'm pretty adept at 'winging it.'

If you've done a long road trip, leave a comment and share your experiences! 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Do you visit a Senior Center?


A few years ago, I borrowed a fabulous The Great Courses video lecture from my public library. It was Mind-Body Medicine: The New Science of Optimal Health with Jason M. Satterfield, Ph.D. Professor, University of California, San Francisco. 

You can see the details and purchase it here: Mind Body Medicine though it's rather expensive. You might want to check your library first and borrow it. (I am not an affiliate of The Great Courses so receive no fee if you choose to purchase this program.) 

What struck me about the program especially was Dr. Satterfield's attention to sociability, the necessity for people (not just seniors) to be around friends, have a good social support network. 

I found this incredibly valuable when I divorced at age 56 after 37 years of marriage. It was almost eerie; I'd been living alone while my husband worked out of town for a number of years, and found myself joining groups on singing, and monthly lecture groups, and getting out walking with friends a couple times each week. When the divorce came - it was quite sudden - I felt very fortunate to have this network of groups and friends as a social/emotional safety net. 

Now, a decade later, I live in Boise and have found my Senior Center to be a great place to go. They have many activities throughout the week from card playing to fitness classes, serve lunch daily (provided by Meals On Wheels), offer field trips to a lot of fun places. I've recently been to a winery, a model train museum, and have plans to participate in a dinner and holiday light display next week. (I LOVE holiday lights!) 

I also lead a monthly meditation class at the senior center, and will be speaking on a photography trip I took last month, with a slide-show of my Arches and Canyonlands National Parks sunrise and sunset photos. They are always open to suggestions on new/improved programs to offer our community.

If you have a Senior Center where you live, I hope you participate and have fun! Leave a comment and tell me about it! 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Would you like to be more flexible?

Do you have a regular routine to stay flexible and fit? If so, leave a comment and share what it is!

Along with some stretching videos, I walk nearly every day. I have a couple of three-mile routes around my neighborhood, and (because I'm a photographer and can't help myself) often take photos of fun things in the neighborhood. 

Let me introduce Mike. He's a physiotherapist in Australia specializing in Senior comfort, balance, strength, and flexibility. I do several of his routines daily. It is Very Important that you self-assess to be sure these videos are suitable to your level of ability. 

Important disclaimer: These are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical disabilities or ailments you may have. Please check with your medical professional before starting any exercise routine.

It is Very Important to go at your own pace, and don't do anything that hurts! If you go slower, or if you can't stretch out as far as he does, that is okay. Adapt or skip the ones that are too difficult. Don't push it. 

If you continue doing stretches daily, you will find yourself becoming more flexible over time.

I've chosen a couple of gentle stretching routines from his video collection. You can find exercises for specific areas on his channel.

Dynamic Stretch Warm-Up Exercises For Seniors | More Life Health

This 10 minute video is great for warm-up before other activities, and is a nice stand-alone stretch routine. 

10-Minute Exercise Video For Seniors - The Minimum Exercise To Maintain Strength and Get Stronger!

This 11 minute video (one minute of introduction!) is a series of simple, whole-body, strengthening movements. 

He does chair push ups in this one. I, personally, find it easier to do wall pushups. It's ok to adapt!

To find more videos, please visit his More Life Health YouTube Channel. 

You may want to check out his website, More Life too!


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Have you ever tried online dating?

I admit, I've thought about it but have not given it a try. 

Fear? Yeah, probably. 

You never know who you're going to meet; are they kind, honest, safe, respectful? (Men and women alike, here!)  

If you've tried it, do you recommend it? 

Got any great tips? 

Share in a comment!

I like this little poem about finding a partner: 

find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,

who calls you back when you hang up on him,

who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat,

or will stay awake just to watch you sleep…

wait for the boy who kisses your forehead,

who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats,

who holds your hand in front of his friends,

who thinks you’re just as pretty without makeup on.

one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares

and how lucky his is to have you…

the one who turns to his friends and says,

“that’s her!”

~ harry tottszer ~

To whom it may concern,

I Harry Tottszer am the original author of “find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot” quote. I posted the quote on my space in yr 10 2005 after a break up with my girlfriend at the time. It originally said “who wants to show you off to the world in your trackies” because here in Australia we call “sweats” “track pants”. I’m simply requesting the recognition of the quote i created. I would be highly appreciative if you recognized me (Harry Tottszer) as the original author that i am.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Tottszer